
How To Communicate With Your Spouse Better Even When You’re Angry With Them

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 18, 2019
Couple trying to communicate with your spouse better.

Keeping your cool when your other half is pushing your buttons may be aggravating. But it’s key to learning to communicate with your spouse better. Be honest. There’s nothing like a heated adrenaline rush to make you feel liberated and justified when you’re angry. All those pent-up aggravations you’ve been stuffing behind a smile? All…

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Criticism in Marriage Relationships. Stop It Before It Kills Your Marriage.

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 12, 2019
criticism in marriage relationships

Everyone hates to be criticized. Yet, for some reason, couples often feel licensed to belittle, berate, badger, and blame each other in ways they’d never do with friends. Criticism in marriage relationships is so common it makes the adage “intimacy breeds contempt” unshakeably rock solid. Why do couples default to critical behavior despite knowing deep…

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Criticism in Marriage Relationships. Stop It Before It Kills Yours.

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 12, 2019
criticism in marriage relationships

Everyone hates to be criticized. Yet, for some reason, couples often feel licensed to belittle, berate, badger, and blame each other in ways they’d never do with friends. Criticism in marriage relationships is so common it makes the adage “intimacy breeds contempt” unshakeably rock solid. Why do couples default to critical behavior despite knowing deep…

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What It Means When Your Unhappy Marriage Leads To Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 12, 2019
unhappy marriage leads to infidelity

People stay in unhappy marriages for a lot of reasons. You may be in one yourself. But when an unhappy marriage leads to infidelity, it’s time to lift the veil of denial and take a good hard look at what’s going on. And what you’ll probably see first is fear. Fear can cause people to…

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Now That You Know Your Spouse Cheated – 10 Tips for Surviving Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / January 31, 2019
surviving infidelity

The shock of discovering an affair is a big deal. Your world turns upside down; you feel shaken to the core. Strong emotions flood you and you might feel overwhelmed and afraid you’ll never feel like yourself again. Be assured that you will get through it, but it’ll take time, a support network, and large doses of self-care to get you through.

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What You Must Know About Surviving Long-Term Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / January 23, 2019
Couple having a painful discussing about surviving long-term infidelity.

Infidelity changes you. It just does. The betrayed, the betrayer, the marriage — everything morphs. Surviving long-term infidelity, however, is particularly exacting. From admission or discovery to atonement to acceptance, the long-term affair is an inevitable call to action. As if a “moment of indiscretion” or “lapse in judgment” isn’t bad enough, long-term infidelity is…

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What To Do When Your Unhappy Marriage Leads To Depression

By Mary Ellen Goggin / January 17, 2019
An unhappy marriage leads to depression

Depression affects 1 in 6 people at some point in their lives. And it affects every aspect of their lives. If an unhappy marriage leads to depression in one spouse, the marriage itself is considered depressed. In an indirect way, depression is actually contagious. Because depression in marriage can be caused by emotional distancing, avoidance,…

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7 Things To Do When You’re Afraid To Communicate With Your Spouse

By Mary Ellen Goggin / January 17, 2019
when you're afraid to communicate with your spouse

Marriage is supposed to be that one sacred place where you can be yourself and speak freely. But when you’re afraid to communicate with your spouse, your relationship and home life can feel more like a prison. It’s not uncommon for one or both spouses in a marriage to have difficulty being assertive in their…

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