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My Wife Won’t Talk To Me Anymore. What Should I Do?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / July 9, 2024
Woman by the shore refusing to talk to her husband.

If your wife won’t talk to you anymore, you are probably frustrated, confused, isolated, and lonely. It’s also likely you are wondering what exactly went wrong and how to fix it. When communication breaks down in a marriage, it is often a red flag that there are deeper issues needing attention. Your wife’s silence could…

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How to Forgive Infidelity – The First Time

By Mary Ellen Goggin / June 27, 2024
Woman staring out a window contemplating how to forgive infidelity.

Discovering your partner has cheated is gut-wrenching. The betrayal cuts deep and you begin to question whether anything about your relationship is or was real. You also wonder if your relationship is over or if it’s possible to forgive their infidelity. If this is the first infidelity, forgiving it is most likely possible, but it…

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10 Tips for Navigating a Sexless Marriage Separate Bedrooms Scenario

By Mary Ellen Goggin / June 14, 2024
Man sitting in the dark and looking dejected because he's living in a sexless marriage.

Living in a sexless marriage is lonely and confusing for most. If you are in this situation, you are likely feeling frustrated, isolated, and doubtful about your lovability. Despite all of the unpleasant emotions, you probably haven’t spoken about it to anyone because of the stigma of being in a sexless marriage. Then, when you…

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Can A Woman Cheat And Still Be In Love? Understanding The Emotional Complexity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / May 28, 2024
Angry and hurt man looking across the table at his wife wondering if she still loves him despite her cheating.

Infidelity is a deeply painful and complex issue, stirring intense emotions and raising difficult questions. If you’re grappling with the life-changing question, “Can a woman cheat and still be in love?”, you are not alone. This question cuts to the quick of our understanding of relationships, love, and trust. Feeling hurt, betrayed, and confused is…

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How To Talk To Your Spouse About Money Without Fighting: 5 Peaceful Strategies

By Mary Ellen Goggin / May 13, 2024
Spouses drinking coffee and talking about money without fighting.

Money discussions don’t have to lead to arguments. Imagine ending a conversation about finances feeling closer to your spouse instead of frustrated or misunderstood. Many couples, especially those balancing demanding careers and family life, find financial talks challenging. However, it’s entirely possible to transform these discussions into opportunities for strengthening your bond. Choosing to practice…

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5 Symptoms Of A Bad Marriage & How To Resolve Them

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 22, 2024
Couple struggling to continue to hold hands as they walk on either side of a small stream.

All marriages encounter bumps along the road. Sometimes, however, these bumps can gradually erode into potholes which are actually symptoms of a bad marriage. It’s the gradual nature of the erosion that can make it difficult to address the bumps before they grow. Recognizing the symptoms of a bad marriage as early as possible is…

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Why Won’t My Husband Fight For Our Marriage?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 1, 2024
Woman holding her head in frustration wondering why her husband isn't fighting for their marriage.

In the quiet of a strained relationship, the question, “Why won’t my husband fight for our marriage?” carries the weight of unspoken fears and yearnings. This question reflects deep vulnerability and the desire for connection, yet it’s tinged with confusion and sorrow over a partner’s apparent inaction. By gently unfolding the layers behind this poignant…

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3 Empty-Nest Marriage Issues & How To Resolve Them

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 19, 2024
Couple sitting in a nest hanging from a tree.

Navigating the quiet hallways of an empty nest can feel like a journey into uncharted territory for many couples. As children grow up and venture out to build their own lives, parents are left with a profound sense of change, often questioning what comes next for their marriage. This transition period, known as the “empty…

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