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The Geology of Your Relationship

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

In high school I took Earth Science as a way of avoiding chemistry. Geology, the study of the solid earth, is the primary Earth Science. Geology deals with the composition of earth materials and structures, and studies how the planet has changed over time and continues to change everyday. These changes in the earth’s topography…

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Commitment Phobic or Just Confused?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / October 29, 2012

Commitment Phobic or Just Confused by the Words “I Do”? I’m going out on a limb here by stating that the deep down cause of commitment phobia is the historic baggage associated with marriage as an impersonal institution of marriage and NOT lack of love. It’s about fear of loss of self and personal freedom.…

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Relationship Transformation–A Couples and Marriage Weekend Retreat-Really?

By Jerry / October 29, 2012

  . A Couples Retreat―Really? My answer to this question is unequivocally YES! Everyone wonders whether time spent at a couples weekend retreat can actually improve their relationships for the long-term. Again the answer is Yes. In fact, most often weekend retreats yield a more streamlined and effective result than couples therapy. Let me explain.…

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Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

By Jerry / September 18, 2012
umhappy marriage relationship

Do you ever wonder if your relationship is abusive? If you even ask yourself this question it’s probably troubling enough, but know that you are not alone. One in three women in the U.S. is physically assaulted by a partner at least once in her lifetime. Every nine seconds a woman is beaten or attacked.…

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I’m married. Why do I feel so lonely?

By Jerry / September 2, 2012

In Tom’s fifth session, we explored why he found it so difficult to ask people, including his wife Janice of 15 years, to give him what he needs. Let’s eavesdrop on the conversation. “It’s hard for me to ask anyone for anything. I’d rather walk than ask for a ride, starve than borrow money, or…

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Relationship Transformation Blog-Tom + Katie: The Conundrum of of Interfaith Relationships

By Jerry / July 10, 2012

The Conundrum of Interfaith Relationships A client’s quandary A client whom I’ll call Sandra recently confided in me. “I’m so conflicted. I don’t know what to do. I really love Jason, but I just don’t think we have a future together.” “Why not?” I asked. “He’s Jewish. He doesn’t practice or anything, but his family…

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I Feel Guily When I Fantasize About My Ex During Sex

By Jerry / May 28, 2012

 Ken was stooped over in his chair with his head cradled in his hands.  “Doc, I’ve got a confession to make. You know I love my wife and would never consider cheating on her.  But lately I find myself fantasizing about other women while we’re having sex― my neighbor, my hot sister-in-law, and celebrities like…

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The Five Stages of Relationship

By Jerry / March 27, 2012

Nature evolves in predetermined patterns: day follows night, winter spring, and adulthood follows childhood and infancy. This is also true of romantic relationships. Although each couple is unique, relationships tend to evolve in patterns or stages. Each stage provides a set of challenges that result either in personal growth and expansion or getting stuck in…

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