
6 Reasons Surviving Marital Infidelity Requires Therapy

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 22, 2021
Woman sitting lakeside with her husband talking about surviving marital infidelity.

You’ve got a choice to make. It doesn’t even matter who did what. You’re standing at a three-tined fork in the road, and there’s no turning back. One of you betrayed the other and your marriage, and the only secrets left undisclosed are the details. “Surviving marital infidelity” is now the tagline for your day-in-the-life-of…

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8 Tips For Surviving Her Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / October 1, 2021
Woman enjoying an embrace from her lover.

It’s unbearable, really, the shock and devastation of infidelity in your marriage. In a moment of discovery or disclosure, all the life in your body can drain away to nothingness. And only anger, hurt, confusion, and a cauldron of negativity can fill the vacuum left behind. It could be either one of you, and the…

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What You Need To Know About Surviving Financial Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 30, 2021
Brick wall with the words "Until Debt Tear Us Apart" written on it.

Mention the word “infidelity,” and thoughts immediately go to the bedroom and clandestine sexual rendezvous. But there are other forms of betrayal that can be just as difficult to repair. Money, for example, represents far more than a means to an end in a marriage. And surviving financial infidelity can be just as difficult as…

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Need Help Surviving Infidelity? Here’s How To Find The Best Support For Your Situation

By Mary Ellen Goggin / July 23, 2021
Man holding his face in his hands as he wonders how to find help surviving infidelity.

The frequency of infidelity in marriage does nothing to assuage the shock and loneliness in its wake. Regardless of which side of an affair you occupy, you are likely to feel alone in it. And seeking help surviving infidelity may not even register with a starting point. Cheating has similarities across the board — signs…

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4 Tips For Surviving His Infidelity While Maintaining Your Self-Respect

By Mary Ellen Goggin / May 4, 2021
Sad woman standing outside in the dark.

Boom. Just like that. In an instant of discovery, your life is forever changed. And now, not only do you need a miracle for surviving his infidelity, you need one for maintaining your self-respect, too. This concept of self-respect is often overlapped with and even mistaken for self-esteem. And, while the two are definitely related,…

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How To Find Forgiveness After Infidelity When You’re The One Who Strayed

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 22, 2021
Scrabble tiles that read "Please forgive me."

Getting over an affair can be as difficult for the partner who cheated as it is for the one who was betrayed. And, whether you’re the one seeking or the one bestowing, forgiveness after infidelity is the coveted key to moving forward. If you are guilty of straying from your marriage vows, you know you…

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How To Save A Marriage After Cheating

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 2, 2021
Couple sitting on a boulder and overlooking a mountain stream.

The scourge of infidelity can feel like a death blow – to your heart, to your marriage, to your family. And yet, you may be clinging to every breath of hope that you can survive it. But do you know how to save a marriage after cheating has imploded its very foundation? We all know…

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BEFORE You Cheat, Here’s What You Need To Know About Surviving The Guilt Of Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 15, 2020
Couple in the throes of sexual infidelity.

If cheating spouses knew all that goes into surviving the guilt of infidelity, they would probably reconsider their straying. Betrayal is undeniably devastating to the unsuspecting spouse. But it also wounds and scars the one who cheats. Infidelity means different things to different people. There’s “the obvious,” of course. But there are also the various…

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