Unhappy Marriage

Does Your Relationship Meet Your Needs?

By Jerry / March 7, 2013

What’s in it for me? Tell me…

This question might strike you as the epitome of selfishness. You might just want to chalk it up to the narcissistic culture which surrounds us. What’s in it for mecertainly lacks any sense of poetry, romance or selflessness.
Is there a righteous place in modern relationships for this line of inquiry?

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13 Signs Your Relationship Is in Trouble

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

Your relationship is always changing in perceptible and imperceptible ways. Even the most rock solid ones are in a state of flux. Like nature, relationships have seasons and rhythms. But within each “season”, couples build stronger unions or drift apart. Your thoughts, words, attitudes and behaviors dictate the direction . You can choose to move toward more intimacy and closeness or away toward isolation and alienation.

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Can a Sexless Marriage Thrive?

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

Can a Sexless Relationship Thrive? Richard, a 40 year old client told me recently, “I’ve been married for nine years. My wife, Diane, means everything to me. I love her dearly. She is a great partner and companion. We‘ve created a wonderful life together. I know it may be weird, but we don’t have sex.…

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5 Steps to Fix Sex Drive Differences

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

Relationship therapist offers advice for partners whose sex drives don’t match and a way to explore what could be the real cause and how to fix it.

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Relationship Power Struggle: Controlling Relationships

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

Many couples spend their evenings “together” watching television. While they want a non-demanding way to relax after work, tensions often arise when couples struggle over what they’re going to watch. I know a lot of men who watch sports and the news. Period. They’re not interested in Two and A Half Men or Thirty Rock.…

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The Geology of Your Relationship

By Jerry / October 30, 2012

In high school I took Earth Science as a way of avoiding chemistry. Geology, the study of the solid earth, is the primary Earth Science. Geology deals with the composition of earth materials and structures, and studies how the planet has changed over time and continues to change everyday. These changes in the earth’s topography…

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Commitment Phobic or Just Confused?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / October 29, 2012

Commitment Phobic or Just Confused by the Words “I Do”? I’m going out on a limb here by stating that the deep down cause of commitment phobia is the historic baggage associated with marriage as an impersonal institution of marriage and NOT lack of love. It’s about fear of loss of self and personal freedom.…

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Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

By Jerry / September 18, 2012
umhappy marriage relationship

Do you ever wonder if your relationship is abusive? If you even ask yourself this question it’s probably troubling enough, but know that you are not alone. One in three women in the U.S. is physically assaulted by a partner at least once in her lifetime. Every nine seconds a woman is beaten or attacked.…

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