Unhappy Marriage

How To Communicate With Your Stubborn Husband (Or Wife)

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 1, 2022
One way signs going in perpendicular directions.

Mention “stubborn husband” to anyone familiar with black-and-white TV, and Archie Bunker will probably come to mind. Opinionated, hard-headed, grumpy, sarcastic – stubbornness may have actually been one of his less offensive traits! If you’re a woman wondering how to communicate with your stubborn husband, you might get some helpful tips from Edith. But you’ll…

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8 Things To Do If You’re Losing Your Sense Of Self In A Relationship

By Mary Ellen Goggin / May 11, 2022

You may not even notice that you’re losing your sense of self in a relationship, especially if you’re married. But living into a balance of “me” and “we” is essential for happiness when you’re living as a couple.

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Unhappy Marriage Vs. Divorce: How To Determine Which Is Best For Your Situation

By Mary Ellen Goggin / April 22, 2022

There’s no easy answer, especially when you’re plagued by misery and the conflicting mindset that accompanies it. Continuing to live in an unhappy marriage vs. divorce? Rushing to hire a divorce lawyer to stop the slow bleed? Where’s the upside in either choice? Knowing that you aren’t the first to struggle with this dilemma probably…

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6 Benefits Of Learning How To Be More Self-Aware In A Relationship

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 31, 2022

It’s so much easier to focus on what the other person is doing (or not doing) in a relationship. Is s/he following the rules? Communicating to your liking? Reading your mind? Being a royal pain-in-the-you-know-what? Did it ever occur to you that learning how to be more self-aware in a relationship could be the key to getting the answers you want?

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What Leads To An Unhappy Marriage?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 2, 2022

People love drama. They get their caffeine jolt as much from shock-and-awe as from a dark roast. Tell them you’re not happy in your marriage, and they’ll assumptively ask who’s cheating. More often than not, however, what leads to an unhappy marriage isn’t black or white. It’s buried in shades of gray. 

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Can You Save An Unhappy Marriage?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 6, 2021
Woman laying on bed feeling depressed about her unhappy marriage.

Can you save an unhappy marriage?  You can forgo a lot of reading with this simple yes.  Should you save an unhappy marriage? Flip a coin, and you’ll find arguments (and merit) on both sides. How do you save an unhappy marriage? Here is where your reading begins. I’ve written on this topic before, of…

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7 Reasons Learning How To Communicate With Your Spouse Will Improve Your Relationship

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 3, 2021
Couple enjoying a conversation as they prepare a meal.

Remember your anniversary. Check. Have a weekly date night. Check. Take care of yourself so you’ll be attractive to your spouse. Check. Pack school lunches. Check. Work hard so you can bring home a big…check. Being responsible, doing nice things for one another, checking off all the right boxes – it’s all part and parcel…

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What To Do If You’re In An Unhappy Marriage But Afraid To Leave

By Mary Ellen Goggin / October 12, 2021
Man rolling a bag and walking our of a building toward the rising sun.

Moments of knowing. We all have them, thanks to that “inner voice” that only begs us to listen. It lets us know when like becomes love. And it mercifully lets us know when happiness can no longer be feigned. Even if you’re in an unhappy marriage but afraid to leave, that voice will continue to…

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