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How To Find Forgiveness After Infidelity When You’re The One Who Strayed

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 22, 2021
Scrabble tiles that read "Please forgive me" from a spouse who is looking for forgiveness after infidelity.

Getting over an affair can be as difficult for the partner who cheated as it is for the one who was betrayed. And, whether you’re the one seeking or the one bestowing, forgiveness after infidelity is the coveted key to moving forward. If you are guilty of straying from your marriage vows, you know you…

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How To Talk With Your Spouse Respectfully So You Can Both Be Heard

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 10, 2021
Couple having coffee while respectfully talking

One of the best things about marriage is that you can be comfortable “being yourself.” One of the worst things about marriage is that you can be comfortable “being yourself.” And if that irony elicits a knowing chuckle, you’re not alone. Perhaps, in all that “comfort,” you have forgotten how to talk with your spouse…

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How To Save A Marriage After Cheating

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 2, 2021
Couple sitting on a boulder and overlooking a mountain stream.

The scourge of infidelity can feel like a death blow – to your heart, to your marriage, to your family. And yet, you may be clinging to every breath of hope that you can survive it. But do you know how to save a marriage after cheating has imploded its very foundation? We all know…

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10 Unmistakable Signs Your Marriage Can Be Saved

By Mary Ellen Goggin / January 19, 2021
Couple holding left hands and displaying their wedding bands.

Marriage, in its ideal state, is that exclusive union whose intimacy has the power to heal age-old wounds and save your faith in love. But what happens when that link to hope itself needs hope? What are some of the signs your marriage can be saved when you’re viewing your closeness in a rear-view mirror?…

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How A Weekend Marriage Retreat Can Change The Course Of Your Relationship

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 28, 2020
Couple sitting on dock cuddling after a weekend marriage retreat.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Relationships aren’t built on a kiss. And marriages don’t fall apart over one argument. So what are the chances that one weekend marriage retreat can change the course of your relationship, let alone save it? The math might surprise you. If hindsight in marriage is 20/20 like most things…

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BEFORE You Cheat, Here’s What You Need To Know About Surviving The Guilt Of Infidelity

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 15, 2020
Couple in the throes of sexual infidelity.

If cheating spouses knew all that goes into surviving the guilt of infidelity, they would probably reconsider their straying. Betrayal is undeniably devastating to the unsuspecting spouse. But it also wounds and scars the one who cheats. Infidelity means different things to different people. There’s “the obvious,” of course. But there are also the various…

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6 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider A Private Couples Marriage Retreat

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 2, 2020
Couple holding hands in a forest as they discuss attending a private couples marriage retreat.

You wouldn’t think twice about getting extra training to make you better at your job. Some things you just have to do when you have priorities. But what are the chances you would attend a couples marriage retreat to make you better at your marriage? Again, priorities. If you’ve never attended a couples marriage retreat,…

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How To Communicate With Your Angry Spouse Without Inflaming The Situation

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 19, 2020
Man who doesn't know how to communicate with his angry spouse screaming into the phone.

Anger is a difficult bedfellow, both in oneself and in one’s closest relationships. And nowhere is it more potent than in a marriage. Knowing how to communicate with your angry spouse, let alone without making things worse, can be frustrating and even frightening. Anger is a natural emotion. We all experience it and know the…

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