criticism in marriage

What Does Contempt Do To A Marriage? (Warning: It’s Not Pretty)

By Mary Ellen Goggin / April 10, 2020
what contempt does to marriage

Every marriage has its share of “grrr” moments, raised voices, silent treatment, and even the desire to escape. It’s impossible to live intimately with another person – let alone for a lifetime – without wishing that person would change in a bunch of ways. It’s when negativity is left unchecked that things get dangerous. The…

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Criticism in Marriage Relationships. Stop It Before It Kills Your Marriage.

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 12, 2019
criticism in marriage relationships

Everyone hates to be criticized. Yet, for some reason, couples often feel licensed to belittle, berate, badger, and blame each other in ways they’d never do with friends. Criticism in marriage relationships is so common it makes the adage “intimacy breeds contempt” unshakeably rock solid. Why do couples default to critical behavior despite knowing deep…

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Criticism in Marriage Relationships. Stop It Before It Kills Yours.

By Mary Ellen Goggin / February 12, 2019
criticism in marriage relationships

Everyone hates to be criticized. Yet, for some reason, couples often feel licensed to belittle, berate, badger, and blame each other in ways they’d never do with friends. Criticism in marriage relationships is so common it makes the adage “intimacy breeds contempt” unshakeably rock solid. Why do couples default to critical behavior despite knowing deep…

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