
Man wearing a baseball cap and wondering what to do about his wife's anxiety ruining their marriage.

What to Do If Your Husband’s or Wife’s Anxiety Is Ruining Your Marriage

By Mary Ellen Goggin / May 22, 2023 / Comments Off on What to Do If Your Husband’s or Wife’s Anxiety Is Ruining Your Marriage

Marriage is based on a strong, unbreakable connection. You may have married your spouse with this belief. However, anyone who’s been married for any length of time can recognize this statement as the myth it is. And it is definitely not that way now. Now, you’re suspicious your husband’s or wife’s anxiety is ruining your…

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Image of a broken heart with an infidelity bandage over the break.

Can A Man Cheat And Still Love His Wife? Answering A Heartbreaking Question

By Mary Ellen Goggin / April 10, 2023 / Comments Off on Can A Man Cheat And Still Love His Wife? Answering A Heartbreaking Question

Discovering that your spouse has cheated is a devastating experience that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone. You may feel like you are in the midst of a tornado, with countless questions swirling around you, attacking you from all sides. A man can cheat and still love his wife. A man can cheat and…

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2 wedding rings on opposite sides of a crumpled and torn piece of paper saying marriage.

How To Know When It’s Time To Stop Fighting For Your Marriage

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 17, 2023 / Comments Off on How To Know When It’s Time To Stop Fighting For Your Marriage

For better or for worse, until death do us part. Whenever you begin to wonder if you should stop fighting for your marriage, this is what your inner voice says to you. After all, these were the commitments made when you walked down the aisle, said your vows, and signed the marriage certificate. You promised…

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Black and white boxing gloves on a wooden deck symbolize not arguing.

How To Communicate With Your Partner Without Arguing About The Same Old Things

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 13, 2022 / Comments Off on How To Communicate With Your Partner Without Arguing About The Same Old Things

It starts off so easy. You can talk about anything. You can even disagree and debate without fazing your affections or the relationship itself. At some point, however, you forget how to communicate with your partner without arguing. The topics don’t necessarily change. But somehow your communication does. And right there is the irony: One…

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Cracked and peeling old, gray paint.

What To Do If You’ve Struggled With An Unhappy Marriage For Years

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 9, 2022 / Comments Off on What To Do If You’ve Struggled With An Unhappy Marriage For Years

Living in an unhappy marriage for years is the ultimate example of being stuck. You’ve settled into patterns that don’t serve you, and there’s no simple way to back out of them. And yet, whether you back out or stay, you’re making moment-by-moment, day-by-day decisions that will affect the rest of your life. *If your…

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Woman's hand leaning against a window.

6 Tips For Surviving Infidelity And Depression

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 22, 2022 / Comments Off on 6 Tips For Surviving Infidelity And Depression

Braving them one at a time is difficult enough. But surviving infidelity and depression together is downright heroic. After all, neither is particularly conducive to springing out of bed with a smile on your face and a list of self-care must-do’s on your calendar. On the contrary. Depression, betrayal from infidelity, and, God forbid, the…

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Self-esteem spelled out in scrabble tiles.

Can Low Self-Esteem Ruin A Relationship?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 10, 2022 / Comments Off on Can Low Self-Esteem Ruin A Relationship?

It’s a powerful thing, this self-esteem stuff. You really can’t succeed in life without a healthy dose of it. Likewise, you need a balanced dose of it to keep yourself in check and open to the work of self-improvement. But how does it play into relationships? Can you have too much or too little for…

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Depressed woman huddled in a chair, contemplating her unhappy marriage.

Can An Unhappy Marriage Cause Depression?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 2, 2022 / Comments Off on Can An Unhappy Marriage Cause Depression?

Sometimes there’s a fine line between unhappiness and depression. And sometimes casual semantics can blur the distinction between the two. When a marriage is unhappy, depression may be lurking, either right in its midst or as a consequence. But we want to know if there’s a causal relationship. That is, Can an unhappy marriage cause…

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