
Older couple sitting on the bank of a river enjoying a glass of wine.

Between Love and Loneliness: Is a Sexless Marriage After 60 Inevitable?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / December 15, 2023 / Comments Off on Between Love and Loneliness: Is a Sexless Marriage After 60 Inevitable?

Wondering if a sexless marriage after 60 is just part of growing older? It’s a question many couples ask as they enter their golden years. But the idea that passion fades with age is more myth than reality. In this blog, we’ll unravel the complexities of love, sex, and intimacy after 60. You’ll discover that…

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Unhappy man who's struggling with self-esteem looking directly into the camera.

Help Answering The Painful Thought “My Husband’s Low Self-Esteem Is Ruining Our Marriage”

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Help Answering The Painful Thought “My Husband’s Low Self-Esteem Is Ruining Our Marriage”

Confronting the thought, “My husband’s low self-esteem is ruining our marriage,” can be a heart-wrenching realization. In many marriages, the ripple effects of one partner’s struggles with self-worth are profound, often leaving the other feeling insecure and as if they’re constantly walking on eggshells. This delicate balance affects not just the emotional harmony but also…

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Woman walking outside struggling with thoughts of her husband's repeated infidelity.

My Husband’s Repeated Infidelity Is Ruining Our Marriage. Can He Change?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / November 13, 2023 / Comments Off on My Husband’s Repeated Infidelity Is Ruining Our Marriage. Can He Change?

The discovery of a spouse’s infidelity is a gut-wrenching moment that shatters the trust foundational to any marriage. But when infidelity is not a one-time lapse in judgment, but a recurring wound, it can feel like an unending cycle of betrayal and despair. If you find yourself whispering the heart-heavy question, “Can my husband change…

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Blessing for Love in Time of Conflict

By Mary Ellen Goggin / October 31, 2023 / Comments Off on Blessing for Love in Time of Conflict

When the gentleness between you hardens and you fall out of your belonging to each other May the depths you have reached hold you still. When no true word can be said or heard and you mirror each other in scripts of hurt When even the silence has become raw and torn May you hear…

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Quote from Hafiz: The words you speak become the house you live in.

10 Communication Strategies That Can Dramatically Improve Your Marriage

By Mary Ellen Goggin / September 18, 2023 / Comments Off on 10 Communication Strategies That Can Dramatically Improve Your Marriage

While mutual attraction and romance come naturally in the early days of dating and marriage, this “honeymoon phase” doesn’t last forever. Eventually, the daily stresses and routine of career, parenting, bills, and household demands set in. And when they do couples often find themselves disconnected and fighting unless they purposefully develop emotional marriage communication skills.…

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Couple sitting by the ocean contemplating their marriage now that they're in their 60s.

What To Do If You Realize You’re In An Unhappy Marriage At 60

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 30, 2023 / Comments Off on What To Do If You Realize You’re In An Unhappy Marriage At 60

Reaching the age of 60 is often seen as a time of reflection, celebration, and wisdom. It’s a moment to look back on achievements, cherish memories, and plan for the years ahead. Yet, amidst these milestones, it can also be a time when some profound realizations come to the forefront. One such revelation that many…

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2 wedding bands place on a dictionary above the word "marriage".

5 Things to Consider When You Discover Your Spouse Cheated

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 22, 2023 / Comments Off on 5 Things to Consider When You Discover Your Spouse Cheated

The knot in your stomach, the disbelief in your mind, the clutching in your chest – these are the overwhelming physical sensations that seize you when you discover your spouse cheated. It’s likely a moment you never thought you would face, a possibility you never wanted to confront. Whether you stumbled upon a revealing text…

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Couple sitting by a campfire on the beach discussing how to fight fair in marriage.

10 Tips & Guidelines For Fighting Fair In Marriage

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 3, 2023 / Comments Off on 10 Tips & Guidelines For Fighting Fair In Marriage

Anyone who’s been in a long-term relationship knows that conflicts are part of the package. These disagreements, however, needn’t be destructive. On the contrary, when handled properly, they can become catalysts for a deeper understanding and a stronger marriage. This is where the concept of “fighting fair” in marriage comes into play. “Fighting fair” doesn’t…

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