
It’s all about YOU!

By Mary Ellen Goggin / September 14, 2018 / Comments Off on It’s all about YOU!

Why Me? Can’t we just fix the relationship? If, like most people, what you really want to do is fix your relationship right now, why are you asked to focus on yourself? You know what the problems are, and if your partner would change, so would your relationship. You’re probably thinking: Why start from square…

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11 Things Men Wish Women Knew

By Jerry / September 7, 2018 / Comments Off on 11 Things Men Wish Women Knew

Often when women get together the subject of their men comes up. Women feel frustrated that conversations that involve feelings or might tip toe into conflict don’t usually go well. They confess to longing for more intimate conversations with their man, like the ones they have with their girlfriends. If they had one wish, it…

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Negative Emotion Pollutes the Atmosphere of A Relationship

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 24, 2018 / Comments Off on Negative Emotion Pollutes the Atmosphere of A Relationship

Couples always ask us to teach them communication skills. Usually they are having trouble understanding where their partners are coming from. Their communication breaks down quickly when the broach a topic they disagree about. They cannot understand how they get caught in what we call “the 0-60 ramp up phenomenon”: it takes a minute to…

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Make This The Summer of Love

By Mary Ellen Goggin / August 3, 2018 / Comments Off on Make This The Summer of Love

Savor life (and love) this summer. Summer is a time to kick-back, lighten up and be more carefree. I don’t know about you, but all month I’ve had that wonderful last-day-of-school feeling, which is a combination of relief, new-found freedom and excitement. I’m going with it and letting this recaptured feeling build. Summer seduces me…

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What Is Your Communication Style: Direct or Indirect?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / July 23, 2018 /

Have you ever noticed that some people in your life are direct, to the point and crystal clear about their opinions on a wide range of topics? They have a “direct” communication style. Other people use an indirect style. They spend more time developing their point and are afraid to create tension or discomfort, especially…

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Time for Spring Cleaning Your Relationship?

By Mary Ellen Goggin / March 19, 2018 / Comments Off on Time for Spring Cleaning Your Relationship?

Spring gifts us with a booster-shot of motivation. Who can resist the urge to clean, de-clutter, purge, and simplify our environment? This year, consider whether your inner environment could benefit from a Spring cleaning too. Our handy checklist will help you clear out the clutter so your relationship can shine!

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how to communicate with spouse

5 Myths about Jealousy

By Jerry / January 28, 2018 / Comments Off on 5 Myths about Jealousy

Last night I had a strange dream. I watched my wife speed away on a motorcycle with Johnny Depp. She clung to him so tightly it was obvious they were having an affair. In that instant I felt a combination of jealousy and admiration of her choice in Johnny Depp. Really, who could blame her? Read about the 5 Myths about Jealousy.

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20 Tell Tale Signs Your Relationship Is at Risk for an Affair.

By Jerry / January 28, 2018 /

How do you know if you’re at risk of having an affair? Are there certain signposts? Do you find yourself considering the possibility? There is no single cause that leads people to infidelity. Each person has his or her own psychology and motivations. What drives one individual into a high risk situation will lead another…

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