It starts off so easy. You can talk about anything. You can even disagree and debate without fazing your affections or the relationship itself. At some point, however, you forget how to communicate with your partner without arguing. The topics don’t necessarily change. But somehow your communication does. And right there is the irony: One…
Continue ReadingLiving in an unhappy marriage for years is the ultimate example of being stuck. You’ve settled into patterns that don’t serve you, and there’s no simple way to back out of them. And yet, whether you back out or stay, you’re making moment-by-moment, day-by-day decisions that will affect the rest of your life. *If your…
Continue ReadingBraving them one at a time is difficult enough. But surviving infidelity and depression together is downright heroic. After all, neither is particularly conducive to springing out of bed with a smile on your face and a list of self-care must-do’s on your calendar. On the contrary. Depression, betrayal from infidelity, and, God forbid, the…
Continue ReadingIt’s a powerful thing, this self-esteem stuff. You really can’t succeed in life without a healthy dose of it. Likewise, you need a balanced dose of it to keep yourself in check and open to the work of self-improvement. But how does it play into relationships? Can you have too much or too little for…
Continue ReadingSometimes there’s a fine line between unhappiness and depression. And sometimes casual semantics can blur the distinction between the two. When a marriage is unhappy, depression may be lurking, either right in its midst or as a consequence. But we want to know if there’s a causal relationship. That is, Can an unhappy marriage cause…
Continue ReadingInfidelity may be an equal-gender transgression. But men and women don’t necessarily handle infidelity by their spouses in equal ways. If you’re a man who has been betrayed, we’re going to discuss why surviving infidelity by your wife is so difficult. Statistics for cheating vary, depending on factors like size of the study pool and…
Continue ReadingYou’re a go-getter. Everyone in your world knows that about you. You aced school, championed every sport, snagged the best job from a banquet of delicious offers. You look your best, act your best, even work to perfect your best. But there’s that other part of your life that involves your heart and another person.…
Continue ReadingYou would think that love would be sufficient for good communication. I love you, you love me, we’ll always be able to talk about anything. But what a myth! Learning how to communicate with your spouse is first an education in yourself. Master that, and you can move on to the real communication of your…
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