Healthy Relationship Quiz
Are you ready to truly understand yourself and your partner?
We know that each person brings a whole world of experiences, beliefs, expectations, and desires to a relationship. We’ve distilled these huge ideas into 4 main relational types (Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green) we call the Inner Relationship Fingerprint (IRF). Knowing which of these 4 types show up in your Fingerprint helps you understand what drives you in relationship so you can improve the health of your relationship.
How knowing our IRFs has helped our relationship
Here’s how knowing each other’s IRF types has helped our relationship thrive:

In going through this couples counseling process, we’ve rediscovered ourselves and each other. We’ve sculpted a relationship we love. One that’s happier than we ever thought possible. One that allows both of us to be our big, bad selves — together. One that has the space for honesty, conflict, and appreciation. One where we’re free and connected.
Jerry: Meg has a lot of red in her IRF — so she needs a lot of freedom, is driven by creativity, and prefers action to process. Knowing this about her makes it easier for me to give her the space and independence she needs and feel more comfortable with her intensity.
Meg: Jerry’s IRF has a lot of blue — so in an intimate relationship, he’s interested in sharing everything with me and maintaining a balance of power. Knowing this about him, I make an effort to meet him in the middle and make space for collaboration.
Meg: Jerry is kindness and compassion personified. He’s my 21st century gentleman, my Archangel Michael, my calm, stable redwood of a man. I love his humility, dignity, and grace under pressure. He’s got genius emotional radar. He’s taught me that I’m enough — just as I am.
Jerry: Meg is courageous, caring, and incredibly intelligent. I’ve watched her dig deep and use her own wide life experience to help others break through. She’s the most tenacious, patient, authentic person I know. She’s taught me to let go of fear and be more optimistic.