Inspirational Pins


We want to bring peace to the planet – one couples counseling retreat at a time.

We know it sounds lofty. But that’s okay with us. Our idealism is tempered with pragmatism. We know we can make a difference in people’s lives. Each happy home adds peace to the world. Yes, we’re frustrated by the high rates of divorce. But honestly, what’s even worse is the number of couples trapped in negativity + turmoil + despair. You don’t need to resign yourself to misery. We know there is a better way.


Cool Couples Board

Cool Couples

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Free & Connected Board

Free & Connected

[prw username=”megoggin” boardname=”free-connected” maxfeeds=”20″ divname=”myList” printtext=”0″ target=”newwindow” useenclosures=”yes” thumbwidth=”250″ thumbheight=”250″ showfollow=”large”]


Where to explore next

The four of us will craft a custom plan to take into your new life together.

In our couples counseling retreat, we meet you with our decades of experience, a practical approach, and compassionate listening. We’ll crack the hidden dynamic that blocks your happiness and point you in the direction you want to go.

No cookie-cutter models.  No formulas. No preachy, do it our way lesson. Instead: Honoring your unique desires.  No new-agey cliches.  Instead: The fusion of art and science + our combined 40 years of clinical experience.  No shoulds or shaming. Instead: Freedom to be yourself and be loved.

[su_button url=”/retreats/” style=”flat” background=”#d7e2e1″ color=”#295453″ size=”7″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”0″]Read more about our retreats[/su_button]

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